Well it's almost the middle of December!
So as we start to wind down 2023, attend all the parties in our calendar, consume lots of margaritas, and enjoy the sunshine, it's definately a joyous and sometimes stressful time of the year!
A few things I've learnt over the years running my own design business is how flat I usually feel in January and even creeping into February in terms of getting back into work. There's always that constant tired feeling from all the late nights, my skirts feel a tad bit tighter from all the gelato and chocolate consumed and let's not talk about the constant humidity that's not doing my hair any favours 🤣
With all the above in mind, I've listed a few ways we can keep motivated and ready for the new year ahead!
List those goals you had planned...
Remember all those 2023 goals you set yourself but didn't quite get around to completing. Well now's the time to reset those goals; revisit the list you had going but never completed. You may be asking, why would I do that in December? The end of the year is a great time to get those ideas happening as you are still in work mode and it's all fresh in your mind. Once mid January hits, you will be ready to tackle those goals and tasks and will probably thank yourself for thinking ahead as well! 😉
I love to use trello.com Its a great website to list all the tasks you need to do, categorise them into job type, and there's always that great satisfaction when you tick a task and file it into your DONE folder.
Alternatively I can be a bit old school at times and love a good paper and pen list however if you are like me, you may find youself losing the notebook I wrote in come January! 😀
Keep up the learning...
Now is a great time to do some research and look up short courses, find conferences, online talks and even join a local community group for 2024. In the industry I'm in, there are constant updates in design and illustration so its so important for me to be up to date with the latest features in the software I use. I love joining the behance.net online events. Not only is it so inspirational and creative but also keeps me accountable to be better at my craft and know all the latest tips and tricks.
Booking these events now will not only prepare you for the new year ahead but will definately keep you motivated as well.
Get in those early nights...
I know I may sound like a 'Karen' but getting in a few early nights between the late party nights will definately keep you mind alert and motivated, and your body will definately thank you for it.😊
When you do get those 'early' nights in, it's also important to remember to get off devices and laptops at least half an hour before bed so as to get 'sleep mode' ready.
This has been something I've really had to be hard on myself about. I believe all designers will agree with me that we put a lot of late night work in which not only is exhausting but can be straining on the eyes. Getting in those extra zzz's will definately make you feel more alert and motivated to tackle the day ahead. 😎
So with all that said, I hope you found one, two or even all three ideas great for keeping you motivated and ready for the year ahead. No matter what industry your in, keeping movitated can be tough so be kind to yourself and look at all the positives. I love all things design as you would know, so keeping up the creativity is imperitive for me. Bring on 2024! 🎉
But first, let's enjoy a well earned break with our family and friends. To all my clients, have a wonderful break and who knows, I may even see you down at Papa J's bar for a well deserved cocktail or three. 😉